Package-level declarations


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sealed class BaseCollection
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Represents the lifecycle of a collection.

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Collection that handles message lists, also supporting local caching.

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Indicates the source of an event.

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sealed class EventDetail
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class FeedChannelContext @JvmOverloads constructor(val collectionEventSource: CollectionEventSource, val eventDetail: EventDetail = EventDetail.None) : BaseChannelContext

The context of a channel, used in NotificationCollectionHandler.

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Collection that handles channel lists, also supporting local caching.

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class GroupChannelContext @JvmOverloads constructor(val collectionEventSource: CollectionEventSource, val eventDetail: EventDetail = EventDetail.None) : BaseChannelContext

The context of a channel, used in GroupChannelCollectionHandler.

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Collection that handles message lists, also supporting local caching.

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class MessageContext(val collectionEventSource: CollectionEventSource, val messagesSendingStatus: SendingStatus) : BaseMessageContext

The context of a channel, used in MessageCollectionHandler.

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Collection that handles message lists, also supporting local caching.

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The context of a channel, used in NotificationCollectionHandler.

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interface Traceable

It allows us to determine where the current context was coming from.