AI Chatbot Platform API v3
AI Chatbot
Version 3


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AI-powered chatbots have greatly impacted the way businesses engage with their customers. They enable seamless and efficient communication by automating responses and providing personalized, and human-like interactions. Sendbird empowers businesses to incorporate AI chatbots into their apps, enhancing user experiences and streamlining customer support. On Sendbird Dashboard, you can easily create and manage your AI chatbot. See the list of available engines here.

Note: To ensure compliance with legal requirements and protect user privacy, review our terms and privacy notice.

Managing AI chatbots

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With Sendbird Chat API and Sendbird Dashboard, you can easily integrate AI chatbots into your application.

Chat Platform API

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Using Sendbird's existing bot API you can do the following:

  • Create and update an AI chatbot.
  • Retrieve a list of AI chatbots.
  • Retrieve information on an AI chatbot.
  • Delete an AI chatbot.

Sendbird Dashboard

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To do the following, go to Chat > AI chatbots on your dashboard.

  • Create and edit an AI chatbot.
  • View a list of AI chatbot.
  • View information on an AI chatbot.
  • Manage file or URL sources that AI chatbots can refer to when generating answers.

Note: Managing file or URL sources can only be done on Sendbird Dashboard.

Resource representation

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The following table shows the list of properties in a bot resource.

Property nameTypeDescription


nested object

The information on the bot.



The unique ID of the bot.



The bot's nickname.



The URL of the bot's profile image.



The bot's type that indicates its category.



An opaque string that identifies the bot. This token should be added to all requests sent to bot_callback_url to verify that they come from Sendbird server.



One or more key-value pair items which store additional bot information like a user metadata. For more information, see user metadata and channel metadata.



The server URL where the bot is located to receive all events, requests, and data forwarded from an application.



Indicates whether to only forward messages that meet specific conditions or forward all messages to the bot. If set to true, only messages that start with a "/" or mention the bot_userid are forwarded to the bot. If set to false, all messages are forwarded. This property, which is usually used for privacy concerns, applies to group channels joined by the bot.



Indicates whether to mark the bot's message as read upon sending it.



Indicates whether to include information about the members of each channel in a callback response.



Indicates whether the bot automatically joins the channel when invited or joins the channel after manually accepting an invitation using the API. The value of 0 indicates an automatic entrance, while the value of 1 indicates an entrance upon accepting an invitation. (Default: 0)



The timestamp at which the bot was created in Unix seconds format.


nested object

Indicates whether the bot is an AI bot, and holds information of an AI bot. This object only appears if the bot is an AI bot which can generate responses automatically and independently of your server-side operations.



Indicates the system that powers the AI bot. Currently, only ChatGPT-powered bots are supported.


array of strings

Indicates a message used to help set the behavior of a ChatGPT bot. (Default: You are a helpful assistant.)



The temperature of a ChatGPT bot which controls the randomness or creativity in the generated responses. A higher temperature value will result in more diverse and unpredictable responses, while a lower temperature value will produce more conservative and predictable responses. Valid values range from 0.00 to 2.00. (Default:1.00)



The maximum number of tokens to generate in the response by ChatGPT bots. One token generates roughly four characters for normal English text. Valid values range from 1 to 2048 tokens. (Default:256)



A value that determines the diversity of response generated by ChatGPT bots via nucleus sampling. Higher values can lead to a variety of responses, but less reliable answers.(Default:1.00)



A value between -2.0 and 2.0 that determines how to penalize new tokens based on whether they've appeared in the text before. The higher the value, more likely it is for ChatGPT bots to talk about new topics.(Default:0.00)

*For further information, see OpenAI's documentation on frequency and presence penalties.



A value between -2.0 and 2.0 that determines how to penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text. The higher the value, less likely it is for ChatGPT bots to repeat the same words or phrases. (Default:0.00)

*For further information, see OpenAI's documentation on frequency and presence penalties.

Bot callback URL requirements

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The following are the requirements for your bot callback URL:

  • Your URL is required to handle POST requests with application/json; charset=utf8 type.
  • Your URL is required to return a 200 OK HTTP code if you successfully receive a callback. Otherwise, Sendbird server calls your URL several times until it gets a 200 OK.
  • For security reasons, we recommend that you use an SSL server.

Note: If the ai property is specified, the bot_callback_url property is no longer required but can be optionally specified.

Bot callback JSON body

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Property nameTypeDescription



The type of the bot notification. The only valid value is bot_message_notification.



The unique App ID of the application where the message was sent.



The time that the message was sent in Unix milliseconds format. You can use this property to sort messages sent to the bot.


nested object

The user who sent the message.


nested object

The bot that received the message.


array of objects

An array of users who are members of the channel.


array of strings

An array of unique IDs of the users mentioned in the message.


nested object

The sent message that triggered the callback.


nested object

The group channel where the event occurred.

    "category": "bot_message_notification",
    "ts": 1484623059030,
    "sender": {
        "user_id": "Danielle",
        "nickname": "Zelda",
        "profile_url": "",
        "metadata": {
            "font_preference": "times new roman",
            "font_color": "black"
    "bot": {
        "bot_userid": "dinner_helper_bot",
        "bot_nickname": "Dinner helper",
        "bot_type": "marketer",
        "bot_profile_url": "",
        "bot_token": "753afa86d980feea00657f040535fe4f73755e05",
        "bot_metadata": {
            "area": "South Korea",
    "members": [
            "user_id": "Leslie",
            "nickname": "Crystal",
            "profile_url": "",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_online": true,
            "state": "joined",
            "is_push_enabled": true,
            "unread_message_count": 0,
            "total_unread_message_count": 12,
            "channel_unread_message_count": 4,
            "metadata": {
            "font_preference": "times new roman",
            "font_color": "black"
        ... # More members of the channel
    "mentioned": ["Leslie", "Jenna", "Grace", "Jay"],
    "message": {
        "message_id": 273653769,
        "type": "MESG",
        "custom_type": "vote",
        "files": [],
        "text": "Where should we have dinner?",
        "translations": {},
        "data": "",
        "created_at": 1543228763476
    "channel": {
        "name": "Let's ask to Free Meal Advisor!",
        "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_24901438_067b75db946bda8b7843617b1f189fbdfd86b768",
        "cover_url": "",
        "channel_type": "group_messaging",
        "custom_type": "chat_with_bot"
    "app_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"


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The following table shows a list of actions supported for AI chatbots. Sendbird AI chatbots are based on API endpoints are relative to the base URL allocated to your Sendbird application. In this page, the /bots endpoint refers to https://api-{application_id}

Note: If you want to know the ID and base URL of your application, sign in to the Sendbird Dashboard, go to the Settings > Application > General, and then check the Application ID and API request URL.

  • It's recommended that the parameter values in API URLs be urlencoded, such as {botuser_id} and {channel_url}.

List of actions for managing an AI chatbot

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ActionHTTP request

Create an AI chatbot

POST /bots
Creates a new AI chatbot within an application.

List AI chatbots

GET /bots
Retrieves a list of all AI chatbots within an application.

Get an AI chatbot

GET /bots/{bot_userid}
Retrieves information on an AI chatbot.

Update an AI chatbot

PUT /bots/{bot_userid}
Updates information on an AI chatbot.

Delete an AI chatbot

DELETE /bots/{bot_userid}
Deletes an AI chatbot from an application.

List of actions for managing typing indicators

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ActionHTTP request

Start typing indicators

POST /group_channels/{channel_url}/typing
Starts showing a typing indicator.

Stop typing indicators

DELETE /group_channels/{channel_url}/typing
Stops showing a typing indicator.