Package-level declarations


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Object representing an admin message.

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data class Answer(val formFieldKey: String, val value: String)

Represents an answer to a FormField.

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class AppleCriticalAlertOptions @JvmOverloads constructor(val name: String = DEFAULT_NAME, val volume: Double = DEFAULT_VOLUME)

A class that can be used to send apple's critical alert.

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abstract class BaseMessage

Base class for messages.

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open class CustomizableMessage @JvmOverloads constructor(channelUrl: String, messageId: Long, createdAt: Long, val requestId: String = "") : BaseMessage

This class is to provide a customizable BaseMessage class so that a custom message object such as a timeline or bookmark message can be used with other actual BaseMessage objects in a single List<BaseMessage>.

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class Emoji

Objects representing a emoji.

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Objects representing a category of emoji.

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Objects representing emoji information.

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data class Feedback

User's feedback data about the message

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sealed class FeedbackRating

The feedback rating the user gave.

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The status of the feedback in the message.

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Object representing a file.

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data class Form(val messageId: Long, val formKey: String, val formFields: List<FormField>, val isSubmitted: Boolean)

Represents a form.

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data class FormField(val messageId: Long, val key: String, val title: String, val inputType: FormFieldInputType, val regex: String? = null, val placeholder: String? = null, val required: Boolean, val answer: Answer? = null)

Represents a form field where users can enter values.

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Represents a input type of a FormField.

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Mention type.

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data class MessageForm
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data class MessageFormItem
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class MessageMetaArray @JvmOverloads constructor(val key: String, value: List<String> = emptyList())

Represents meta array of BaseMessage. Meta array contains key(String), value(List<String>).

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Represents a message review history.

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Represents the status of a message review.

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File message object that contains multiple UploadedFileInfos.

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Notification message status This status is only affected to the notification message.

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Notification priority This value can be set when the notification message is sent and default value is NORMAL

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class OGImage

Represents a OGImage of OGMetaData. For Specifications, see

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Represents a OGMetaData of a url. For Specifications, see Currently we only support images.

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When the message has reviewed, then the new message will be created. And the new message contains the original message's information.

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Represents a pinned message in a channel.

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data class Plugin

Contains plugin information of a UserMessage.

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Push options for messages. BaseMessageCreateParams.pushNotificationDeliveryOption If the option is DEFAULT, push message will work with the receiver's push settings. SendbirdChat.setDoNotDisturb If the option is PushNotificationDeliveryOption.SUPPRESS, push message will not be sent.

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Represents a user who reacted to a message.

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Objects representing a reaction.

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Objects representing a reaction event.

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The ReactionEvent action state.

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ReplyType to be used in loading messages.

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Represents message sending status.

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Represents a thread info of a message.

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Objects representing a thread info event.

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class Thumbnail

Represents image thumbnail. Currently this is valid only for image files. Thumbnails can be generated when you send file through

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class ThumbnailSize(maxWidth: Int, maxHeight: Int)

Represents image thumbnail size. Currently this is valid only for image files. Thumbnails can be generated when you send file through BaseChannel.sendFileMessage by passing List of this instance.

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It represents the information of the file you want to upload through GroupChannel.sendMultipleFilesMessage.

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Represents a file to be shipped in a MultipleFilesMessage.

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Object representing a user message.