
It represents the information of the file you want to upload through GroupChannel.sendMultipleFilesMessage.



See also


Link copied to clipboard
constructor(file: File, fileName: String? = null, fileType: String? = null, fileSize: Int? = null, thumbnailSizes: List<ThumbnailSize> = emptyList())
constructor(url: String, fileName: String? = null, fileType: String? = null, fileSize: Int? = null, thumbnailSizes: List<ThumbnailSize> = emptyList())


Link copied to clipboard
val file: File?

Returns the File object of the input file. If a file url is provided, it returns null.

Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "fileName")
val fileName: String?

Represents the name of the file.

Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "fileSize")
val fileSize: Int?

Represents the size of the file.

Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "fileType")
val fileType: String?

Represents the type of the file. MIME preferred.

Link copied to clipboard

Request for size information for thumbnail creation. A thumbnail image is generated to fit within the bounds of the provided maxWidth and maxHeight. If the size of the original image is smaller than the specified dimensions, the original image will have the width and height of the specified dimensions. The URL of the thumbnail returns the location of the generated thumbnail file within the Sendbird server.

Link copied to clipboard
val url: String?

Returns the URL of the input file. If a File object is provided, it returns null.


Link copied to clipboard
open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
Link copied to clipboard
open override fun hashCode(): Int
Link copied to clipboard
open override fun toString(): String