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Chat SDKs .NET v4
Chat SDKs .NET
Chat SDKs
Version 4


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Users can chat with one another by participating in open channels or joining group channels in a Sendbird application. The operator role can be assigned to certain users to moderate other users. Users are identified by their own unique ID, and may have a customized nickname and profile image. You can manage various user attributes and actions using the Chat API.

Note: By default, the Allow retrieving user list and Allow updating user metadata options are turned on, which means that any user can retrieve a list of users and their metadata as well as alter other users' nicknames and their metadata within your application. This may grant access to unwanted data or operations, leading to potential security concerns. To manage your access control settings, you can turn on or off each option in Settings > Application > Security > Access control list on Sendbird Dashboard.

User types

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Depending on the type of channel your users are chatting in, they're given different labels as well as access to different actions and information. Users can register other users as friends, interact with them in a private chat, or block specific users from sending direct messages. In some cases, users can be given an operator role and they can moderate other users who engage in inappropriate activities.




Refers to a user who can access all the chat features of a Sendbird application with their own unique ID but doesn't have any administrative privileges.


Open channels

Refers to a specific user who has entered an open channel without an invitation and is remaining online in the channel. Open channel participants are provided with limited information only. These participants can enter and exit the channel at all times.


Group channels

Refers to a specific user who has joined a group channel through an invitation from a channel member or on their own. Relational information such as connection status, typing indicators, and read receipts is only available to the group channel members depending on the channel settings.


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You can assign operators in each channel to moderate participants or members engaging in inappropriate activities by banning or muting them in the channel.

When banned, participants or members are immediately kicked out of the channel. After the ban time set by the operators has expired, they can participate back in or rejoin the channel. On the other hand, muted participants or members are allowed to remain in the channel and view the messages, but can't send messages until the operators unmute them.

Additionally, operators can also delete or update any messages sent in a channel.

Functionalities by topic

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With the Chat SDK, you can retrieve users in a channel, moderate user activity, and manage user information. The following is a list of functionalities that our SDK supports.

Retrieving users

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FunctionalityDescriptionOpen channelGroup channel

Retrieve a list of users in an application

Retrieves a list of all or a specified subset of users in a Sendbird application.

Retrieve a list of users in a channel

Retrieves a list of users in a channel.

Retrieve a list of members and operators in a specific order

Retrieves a list of users and operators in a channel in an alphabetical order or by another specified order.

Retrieve users who have read a message

Retrieves users who have read a specific message in a channel.

Retrieve a list of operators

Retrieves a list of operators who monitor and control the activities in a channel.

Moderating a user

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FunctionalityDescriptionOpen channelGroup channel

Retrieve a list of blocked users

Retrieves a list of all or a specified subset of blocked users in a Sendbird application.

Retrieve a list of banned users

Retrieves a list of users who are banned from a channel.

Retrieve a list of muted users

Retrieves a list of users who are muted in a channel.

Block and unblock other members

Blocks or unblocks specified users for a user in a channel.

Ban and unban a user

Operators can ban or unban users from a channel. Banned users are immediately expelled from a channel and allowed to participate in the channel again after the time period set by the operators has passed.

Mute and unmute a user

Operators can mute or unmute users in a channel. Muted users remain in the channel and are allowed to view the messages, but can't send any messages until the operators unmute them.

Retrieving and updating user information

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FunctionalityDescriptionOpen channelGroup channel

Retrieve the online status of a user

Checks if a certain user in a Sendbird application is currently connected to the Sendbird server.

Update user profile

Updates a user's nickname and profile image with a URL.

Retrieve the latest information on participants

Retrieves the latest and updated information on each user who is online.

Managing user metadata

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FunctionalityDescriptionOpen channelGroup channel

Manage user metadata

Stores additional information to users. You can create, retrieve, update and delete additional information.