

Create a new Fragment. Each screen provided at UIKit creates a fragment via this Factory. To use custom fragment, not a default fragment, you must inherit this Factory. Extended Factory must be registered in SDK through setUIKitFragmentFactory method.



Use FragmentProviders instead.


Link copied to clipboard
Returns the BannedUserListFragment.
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open fun newChannelFragment(@NonNull channelUrl: String, @NonNull args: Bundle): Fragment
Returns the ChannelFragment.
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Returns the ChannelListFragment.
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Returns the OpenChannelSettingsFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the ChannelSettingsFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the ChatNotificationChannelFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the CreateChannelFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the CreateOpenChannelFragment.
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Returns the FeedNotificationChannelFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the InviteUserFragment.
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Returns the MemberListFragment.
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Returns the MessageSearchFragment.
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open fun newMessageThreadFragment(@NonNull channelUrl: String, @NonNull parentMessage: BaseMessage, @NonNull args: Bundle): Fragment
Returns the MessageThreadFragment.
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Returns the ModerationFragment.
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Returns the MutedMemberListFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OpenChannelBannedUserListFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OpenChannelFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OpenChannelListFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OpenChannelModerationFragment.
Returns the OpenChannelMutedParticipantListFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OpenChannelOperatorListFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OpenChannelRegisterOperatorFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OpenChannelSettingsFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the OperatorListFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the ParticipantListFragment.
Link copied to clipboard
Returns the RegisterOperatorFragment.