
open class ContextUtils


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open fun extractModuleThemeContext(@NonNull activityContext: Context, @StyleRes themeResId: Int, @AttrRes moduleAttrResId: Int): Context
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open fun getWindow(@NonNull context: Context): Window
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open fun toastError(@Nullable context: Context, @StringRes resId: Int)
open fun toastError(@Nullable context: Context, @NonNull message: String)
open fun toastError(@Nullable context: Context, @StringRes resId: Int, useOverlay: Boolean)
open fun toastError(@Nullable context: Context, @NonNull message: String, useOverlay: Boolean)
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open fun toastSuccess(@Nullable context: Context, @StringRes text: Int)
open fun toastSuccess(@Nullable context: Context, @NonNull text: CharSequence)
open fun toastSuccess(@Nullable context: Context, @StringRes text: Int, useOverlay: Boolean)
open fun toastSuccess(@Nullable context: Context, @NonNull text: CharSequence, useOverlay: Boolean)