
ViewModel preparing and managing data related with the list of messages in a channel since 3.0.0


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open fun ChannelViewModel(@NonNull channelUrl: String, @Nullable messageListParams: MessageListParams)


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Class that holds message data in a channel.


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open fun buildMessageList(): List<BaseMessage>
Processes a list of messages to be passed to the view.
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open fun createMessageListParams(): MessageListParams
Creates params for the message list when loading the message list.
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open fun deleteMessage(@NonNull message: BaseMessage, @Nullable handler: OnCompleteHandler)
Deletes a message.
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Returns LiveData that can be observed if huge gaps are detected within the collection this view model managed.
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open fun getMessageById(messageId: Long): BaseMessage
Retrieves message that matches messageId from the message list which this view model manages.
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Returns LiveData that can be observed for the state of loading messages.
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open fun getMessagesByCreatedAt(createdAt: Long): List<BaseMessage>
Retrieves messages created at createdAt from the message list which this view model manages.
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Returns the timestamp that is the starting point when the message list is fetched initially.
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Returns LiveData that can be observed for the status of the result of fetching the message list.
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Returns LiveData that can be observed for members who are typing in the channel associated with this view model.
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open fun hasMessageById(messageId: Long): Boolean
Checks if the message with messageId is in the message list which this view model manages.
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open fun hasNext(): Boolean
Determine whether the data on the next page exists.
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open fun hasPrevious(): Boolean
Determine whether the data on the previous page exists.
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open fun loadInitial(startingPoint: Long): Boolean
Requests the list of BaseMessages for the first time.
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open fun loadNext(): List<BaseMessage>
Requests the list of BaseMessages when the page goes to the next.
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open fun loadPrevious(): List<BaseMessage>
Requests the list of BaseMessages when the page goes to the previous.
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Returns LiveData that can be observed if the channel has been deleted.
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open fun onChannelUpdated(): LiveData<GroupChannel>
Returns LiveData that can be observed if the channel has been updated.
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protected open fun onCleared()
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open fun onFeedbackDeleted(): LiveData<Pair<BaseMessage, SendbirdException>>
Returns LiveData that can be observed for the result of deleting feedback.
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open fun onFeedbackSubmitted(): LiveData<Pair<BaseMessage, SendbirdException>>
Returns LiveData that can be observed for the result of submitting feedback.
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open fun onFeedbackUpdated(): LiveData<Pair<BaseMessage, SendbirdException>>
Returns LiveData that can be observed for the result of updating feedback.
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open fun onMessagesDeleted(): LiveData<List<BaseMessage>>
Returns LiveData that can be observed if the messages has been deleted in the collection this view model managed.
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open fun removeFeedback(@NonNull message: BaseMessage)
Removes feedback for the message.
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open fun setMessageCollectionHandler(@Nullable handler: MessageCollectionHandler)
Registers a handler for the message collection managed by this view model.
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open fun submitFeedback(@NonNull message: BaseMessage, @NonNull rating: FeedbackRating, @Nullable comment: String)
Submits feedback for the message.


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open val messageListParams: MessageListParams