Chat UIKit iOS UIKit v3
Chat UIKit iOS UIKit
Chat UIKit
Version 3

Install Sendbird UIKit for iOS

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You can start building a messaging experience in your app by installing Sendbird UIKit. This developer kit is an add-on feature to Sendbird Chat SDK so installing it will also install the core Chat SDK. The minimum requirement of Chat SDK for iOS is 4.0.13 or later.

Swift Packages

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  1. In Xcode, select File > Add Packages.

  2. Add SendbirdUIKit into your Package Repository as below:
  1. Swift Package Manager automatically sets the dependency rule to "Up To Next Major" and installs the latest version. Adjust the dependency rule and version according to your needs. You can check out the latest UIKit version on UIKit releases.

Note: A build error may occur while using Swift packages with Xcode due to issues with caching. To resolve this error, try resetting the Xcode package caches. Open the File menu, go to Packages, and select Reset Package Caches. This deletes all local package data and redownloads each package from its online source.


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  1. Add SendBirdUIKit into your Podfile in Xcode as below:
platform :ios, '12.0'

    pod 'SendBirdUIKit' # Add this line.
  1. Install the SendBirdUIKit framework through CocoaPods.
$ pod install
  1. Update the SendBirdUIKit framework through CocoaPods.
$ pod update


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  1. Add SendbirdUIKit and SendbirdChatSDK into your Cartfile as below:
github "sendbird/sendbird-uikit-ios"
github "sendbird/sendbird-chat-sdk-ios"
  1. Install the SendbirdUIKit framework through Carthage.
$ carthage update --use-xcframeworks

Note: Building or creating the SendbirdUIKit framework with Carthage can only be done using the latest Swift. If your Swift is not the most recent version, the framework should be copied into your project manually.

  1. Go to your Xcode project target's General settings tab in the Frameworks and Libraries section. Then drag and drop SendbirdUIKit.xcframework and SendbirdChatSDK.xcframework from the <YOUR_XCODE_PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/Carthage/Build folder.

Note: Errors may occur if you're building your project with Xcode 11.3 or earlier versions. To fix these errors, refer to Handle errors caused by unknown attributes.