/ Platform API
Platform API
    Chat Platform API v3
    Chat Platform API
    Chat Platform API
    Version 3


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    Channel refers to a space in Sendbird Chat where users can communicate with one another through messages. With the Chat API, you can create and manage channels and channel information.

    Channel types

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    Sendbird Chat provides two different types of channels: open channel and group channel. Each type is designed to address a wide variety of business needs.

    Open channel

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    An open channel is a public chat that can handle millions of online users. No invitation is required to enter an open channel and participate in the conversation.

    Open channel types

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    The following are the different types of open channels.

    • Ephemeral: Messages in an ephemeral open channel aren't saved in Sendbird's database. This means that old messages pushed out by new ones can't be retrieved as they are one-time data. On the other hand, messages in a persistent open channel, which is the default open channel type, are permanently stored in the database.

    • Dynamic partitioning: Dynamic partitioning open channels are designed to use a set number of subchannels to accommodate an even larger number of users, starting from 2,000 to 20,000 participants for shared regions and up to 60,000 participants for dedicated regions. This structure of dynamic partitioning enables flexible scaling of open channels by creating or merging subchannels within the open channels and evenly allocating participants among the subchannels to provide a seamless and well-paced chat experience to all users.

    • Classic: A single classic open channel can accommodate up to 1,000 simultaneous users in a Twitch-style public chat.

    Note: Sendbird applications created before December 15, 2020, are using classic open channels.

    How dynamic partitioning works

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    Subchannel types

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    Subchannels are mini channels that are created within an open channel. Dynamic partitioning offers two types of subchannels, which include Single and Multiple. The Single subchannel type is allowed to have only one subchannel while the Multiple subchannel type can create several subchannels depending on the number of participants joining the open channel. Each subchannel can accommodate an equal share of participants and whenever one subchannel reaches the allocation_ratio, another subchannel is created. If your open channel can accommodate 20,000 participants and is able to create 10 subchannels, which is the default value, then each subchannel can host a group of 2,000 participants.

    Note: You can select the subchannel type on Sendbird Dashboard.

    User allocation

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    A dynamic partitioning open channel can scale up and down by automatically creating subchannels based on the number of participants joining the open channel. When an open channel is created, a subchannel is created as well. When a user joins the open channel, the Sendbird server allocates this user to the first subchannel. Subsequent users who join the open channel will continue to be allocated to this subchannel until the number of participants of this subchannel reaches the allocation_ratio, which refers to the rate of participants in a single subchannel that can prompt the creation of a new subchannel. This process is repeated until the total number of participants in the open channel reaches a value of the max_total_participants property.

    When all the existing subchannels hit a value of the allocation_ratio property, the Sendbird server allocates incoming users in a round-robin fashion. This means that newcomers who join the open channel after all the subchannels have reached a value of the allocation_ratio property are allocated individually to each subchannel one at a time, rather than to a single subchannel altogether. The round-robin allocation continues until all subchannels reach their full capacity set by the max_participants_per_subchannel property.

    If some subchannels fall below a value of the allocation_ratio property, the Sendbird server allocates a newly joined user to the subchannel that has the smallest number of participants at the time this user enters the open channel.

    Note: The max_total_participants and max_participants_per_subchannel attributes have fixed values. To confirm their values, visit this page and contact us on Sendbird Dashboard.

    User deallocation

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    Subchannels have a lifetime. The subchannel_min_lifetime indicates how long a subchannel can last when its participant count is below a certain level. This time limit is used for user deallocation. When the ratio of participants in a subchannel to a value of max_participants_per_subchannel falls below a value of deallocation_ratio and remains so for the time set in subchannel_min_lifetime, the corresponding subchannel is merged to another subchannel that has the fewest participants at the time. When a subchannel is merged, a value of max_participants_per_subchannel is ignored.

    Subchannel view

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    As for a dynamic partitioning open channel, participants in one subchannel can't interact with those in other subchannels. However, they all share the same channel theme and live streaming content, which makes all subchannels seemingly identical. For example, participants in Subchannel #1 can’t see the conversation taking place in Subchannel #2. However, the participants in both subchannels are still in the same chat environment with the identical channel UI and content broadcasted to all subchannels. Given its features, a dynamic-partitioned open channel works best for occasions that demand a full-scale chat, such as a gaming community and a live streaming event.

    Operators in a global channel

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    A global subchannel is a special subchannel for channel operators that allows them to receive every single message from all subchannels. Whereas participants in a subchannel can read only the messages exchanged within the subchannel, operators can read all the messages created in every subchannel. In addition, operators in a global channel aren't counted towards the max_total_participants and max_participants_per_subchannel properties.

    Note: To send an admin message from operators to all subchannels, on Sendbird Dashboard, go to Settings > Channels and set Subchannel type to Multiple.

    Channel configuration

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    The following table lists the attributes that can be configured for dynamic partitioning open channels.

    Note: To adjust the value of these attributes, visit this page and contact us on the Sendbird Dashboard.

    List of attributes

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    Property nameTypeDescription



    The ratio of the number of participants to max_participants_per_subchannel. This figure is used to decide when to create a new subchannel and allocate new incoming users to this new subchannel. When the most recently created subchannel reaches a value of allocation_ratio, Sendbird server creates another subchannel and sends newly joined users to the new subchannel. This process is repeated before the total number of participants in the open channel reaches a value of max_total_participants. (Default: 0.6, indicating 60%)



    The ratio of the number of participants to a value of max_participant_per_subchannel. Sendbird server uses this to decide when to start deallocating participants by merging subchannels. If the ratio falls below a value of deallocation_ratio and remains so for the time set in subchannel_min_lifetime, the corresponding subchannel is merged to another subchannel that has the fewest participants at the time. When a subchannel is merged, a value of max_participants_per_subchannel is ignored. (Default: 0.05, indicating 5%)



    The set time period, in seconds, which allows a participant who has left a subchannel to return to the same subchannel. If a participant returns to the open channel within the stickiness_duration_to_subchannel time frame, the user can re-enter the same subchannel that they had left.
    If the user returns after the subchannel they had left has already reached a value of max_participants_per_subchannel, the user will be allocated to a random subchannel even when they re-enter within the stickiness_duration_to_subchannel time frame. (Default: 10,800, indicating 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 3 hours)



    The number of recent messages to be kept in each subchannel. Subchannel messages are stored only for the set time period of subchannel_messages_lifetime. (Default: 30 per subchannel)



    The set time period, in days, for messages to be stored. Because all messages in a subchannel can be kept in the channel for the duration set by this property, a participant can retrieve previous messages in the subchannel within this time window. Whenever a new message is sent within the subchannel_messages_lifetime time window, the count is reset. (Default: 7 days)



    The set time period that a subchannel exists after it has reached a value of deallocation_ratio. When the ratio of participants in a subchannel to a value of max_participants_per_subchannel falls below the value set by deallocation_ratio and remains so for the duration set by this property, Sendbird server begins deallocating participants. (Default: 600, indicating 60 seconds x 10 minutes)

    Group channel

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    A group channel is a channel that allows close interactions among up to 100 members. To join a group channel, an invitation from a channel member is required by default. Depending on the channel invitation preference, a user who is invited to a group channel can accept or decline the invitation. You can leverage various properties to design different types of group channels that best fit your use cases, such as Twitter-style 1-on-1 direct messaging, WhatsApp-style group chat, and more.

    Group channel types

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    The following are the different types of group channel:

    • Public vs. Private: A public group channel can be joined by any user without an invitation. Up to 100 users can join a single public group channel. On the other hand, a private group channel only accepts invited users by default.

    • Distinct: The distinct option determines whether to resume the conversation in an existing channel or create a new channel when someone attempts to create a new channel with the same group of members. If such a group channel already exists, the attempt will retrieve the existing channel including the previous chat history. This is similar to Twitter-style 1-on-1 direct messaging. The default value is false.

    • Supergroup: A Supergroup channel is an expanded version of a group channel that can accommodate a large number of members in a single channel and serves most of the functions of a group channel. The maximum number of channel members can stretch up to tens of thousands depending on your Sendbird plan. Because a Supergroup channel is built upon the same foundation as a group channel, Platform APIs and SDK functions for both channel types are identical. The super option determines whether a newly created channel is a Supergroup channel or a group channel. When this option is set to true, the distinct option is no longer available.

    • Ephemeral: Messages in an ephemeral group channel are not saved on Sendbird's database. This means that old messages pushed out by new ones can't be retrieved as they are one-time data. On the other hand, messages in a persistent group channel are permanently stored in the database, which is the default.

    Supergroup channel's limitations

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    To secure stable operation and optimized user experience in a Supergroup channel, a number of functions are subject to limitations. Some of these limitations include:

    • Visual interactions: read and delivery receipts aren’t supported in Supergroup channels to ensure optimal performance in Supergroup channels.

    • Unread counts: unread counts are marked up to 100 only. In case they surpass 100, we suggest you display the counts as 99+ to avoid any confusion.

    • Push notifications: The way push notifications for Supergroup channels work is determined by two factors: the number of members in a channel and the online status of its members.

      • When there are less than 100 members: A push notification will be sent for every message created in the channel.

      • When there are 100 or more members: A ten-minute time window will be applied to Supergroup channels with 100 or more members. Once the number of members exceeds 100 and a new message is created, a push notification is sent for the new message and then the next push notification arrives ten minutes after that.
        For example, if the number of members in Channel A surpasses 100 at 13:00 and then a new message is sent at 13:01, a push notification will be sent for the message sent at 13:01 and the ten-minute time window begins. During this ten-minute time window, there will be no push notifications for any messages created within the time frame. When time is up and another message is sent at 13:11, the second push notification will be sent for that message.

      • When a user becomes active: If one of the Supergroup channel members enters the channel and reads a message, the user will be recognized as active. Then only for the following one minute, the user will be receiving push notifications for all messages sent within the time frame.

    Open channel vs. Group channel vs. Supergroup channel

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    The optimal use cases for each channel type can vary because different channels support different features. The following tables compare open channels, group channels, and Supergroup channels in terms of possible use cases and supported features.

    Use cases

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    Choose which channel type to use based on key factors such as the duration of the chat and the number of users participating in it. The following table lists possible use cases for each channel type.

    TypeUsed for

    Open channel

    - Short-lived live events, such as concerts and live streams.
    - News-feed type messaging to a huge audience, such as Twitter-style feed.
    - Events that don't require a permanent membership.

    Group channel

    - Private 1-on-1 conversations, such as clinical consultations and Instagram-style Direct Messages.
    - Public 1-to-N conversations, such as small group discussions among students.
    - Invitation-only chats with a handful of users.

    Supergroup channel

    - Ask-me-anything type events with a large number of users.
    - Midsize conferences for regular updates, such as company-wide meetings.

    Channel types

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    The following table lists the differences among the three types of channels. If you wish to adjust the maximum number of a channel depending on use cases, contact our sales team.

    Open channelGroup channelSupergroup channel

    Maximum number in a channel

    Up to millions of participants

    100 members

    Up to tens of thousands of members

    * The number varies depending on your Sendbird plan.

    Accessible by

    Anyone within the application

    Invited users only if private or anyone if public

    Invited users only if private or anyone if public

    Ephemeral messaging




    Online presence




    Last message












    Ban users




    Mute users




    Freeze channels




    Delivery receipts




    Read receipts




    Unread counts




    * Up to 100 unread counts are supported.

    Typing indicators




    * Up to three concurrent indicators are supported.

    Mention others in message




    Mention counts











    * Except in ephemeral channels


    Spam flood protection




    Chatbot interface




    Smart throttling

    Supported (Default: true)

    Supported (Default: false)

    Supported (Default: false)

    Push notifications


    * Push notifications for announcements only.


    * Push notifications for every message sent.


    * Refer to Limitations.

    Get a channel with its participant list or member list




    * Only ten members are retrieved as a preview.
    To get an entire list of members, use the List members API instead.

    Pagination for participant list or member list




    Order of channel list

    - Chronological

    - Chronological
    - Latest last message
    - Channel name
    - Metadata value

    - Chronological
    - Latest last message
    - Channel name
    - Metadata value

    Manage channel information

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    With metadata and metacounter which consist of key-value items, you can store additional information about your channels.

    Information types

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    The following table compares the different options for storing additional information about a user, channel or message. User, channel, and message objects can contain extra data in the form of data, metadata, and sorted_metaarray. You can also use channel metacounter for storing numeric data about a channel.


    Belongs to

    message and channel resources

    channel and user resources

    message resource

    channel but not included in channel resource.



    nested object

    nested object



    A long text of any types of characters.

    A collection of key-value pairs.

    A collection of key-value pairs. A unique key can have an array of values.

    * The pairs are sorted in the chronological order of when they were added.

    A collection of key-value pairs. The value must be an integer.

    Maximum length

    4 GB

    - key: 128 bytes
    - value: 190 bytes

    - key: 80 bytes
    - value: 128 bytes

    - key: 128 bytes
    - value: virtually no limit (can accommodate a very broad range of values)


    A container for long, customized data.
    Unlike metadata and sorted_metaarray, this property can't serve as a filter.

    Suitable for classification and filtering.

    Suitable for classification and filtering.

    A channel metacounter is primarily used to track and update discrete indicators in a channel.
    A common use case is tracking the number of likes in a channel.
    Use channel metacounter when you need an integer with atomic increasing and decreasing operations.

    The following code shows how the data, metadata, and sorted_metaarray properties can be used for a user, channel, and message objects.

    channel and user resourcemessage and user resource
        "channels": [
                "is_distinct": true,
                "is_public": false,
                "is_super": false,
                "is_ephemeral": false,
                "name": "On the upcoming AWS event",
                "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_25108471_a1bc35f5f0d237207bc1rd343562c878fc2fd426",
                "cover_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/cover/cover_43.jpg",
                "data": "{u'background_color': u'yellow', u'description': u'preparing presentation'}", # "data" contains a long string of extra data added to the channel.
                "member_count": 3,
                "members": [
                        "user_id": "Jay",
                        "nickname": "Rooster",
                        "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_13_512px.png",
                        "is_active": true,
                        "is_online": false,
                        "last_seen_at": 1542762346134,
                        "state": "joined",
                        "role": "",
                        "metadata": {
                            "font_preference": "times new roman",
                            "font_color": "black"
                    ... # More members
            ... # More channels

    Resource representation

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    The following tables show the list of properties in open and group channel resources.

    List of properties for open channels

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    Property nameTypeDescription



    The channel topic or the name of the channel.



    The unique URL of the channel.



    The URL of the cover image.



    A custom channel type which is used for channel grouping.

    * Custom types are also used within Sendbird's Advanced analytics to segment metrics, which enables the sub-classification of data views.



    A string data which can contain additional channel information such a long description of the channel or JSON formatted string.



    Indicates whether to preserve the messages in the channel for the purpose of retrieving chat history.



    The current number of participants in the channel. Once the number exceeds 500, this count is sent according to the following two rules.

    - Time-based: the participant count is sent every five minutes.
    - Number-based: besides the time-based counts, an additional count is sent whenever the participant number increases by an increment of 10, 100, and 1,000. For example, the count is sent when the participant number reaches 510, 520, 530, and so on. When the participant number exceeds 1,000, the count is sent for 1,100, 1,200, 1,300, and so on. When it exceeds 10,000, the count is sent for 11,000, 12,000, 13,000, and so on.



    The maximum length of a message allowed to be sent within the channel. This is the same as a value of the max_message_length property in the global application settings.



    The timestamp of when the channel was created, in Unix seconds format.


    array of objects

    The array of users registered as operators of the channel. Operators can delete any messages in the channel, and can also receive all messages that have been throttled.

    * Operators can't view messages that have been moderated by the domain filter or profanity filter. Only the sender will be notified that the message has been blocked.



    Indicates whether the channel is currently frozen. The value of true indicates that only operators can send messages to the channel.



    Indicates whether the channel is a dynamic partitioning open channel. If set to true, the detailed configuration of the open channel is returned in the response. (Default: false)

    * For Sendbird applications created after December 15, 2020, this property is automatically set to true.

    List of properties for group channels

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    Property nameTypeDescription



    The name of the channel or the channel topic.



    The unique URL of the channel.



    The URL of the cover image.



    A custom channel type which is used for channel grouping.

    * Custom types are also used within Sendbird's Advanced analytics to segment metrics, which enables the sub-classification of data views.



    A string data which can contain additional channel information such as a long description of the channel or JSON formatted string.



    Indicates whether an existing channel is reused or a new channel has been created with a combination of the channel members as well as the custom channel type if specified.



    Indicates whether to allow a user to join the channel without an invitation.



    Indicates whether the channel is a group channel or a Supergroup channel.



    Indicates whether to preserve the messages in the channel for the purpose of retrieving chat history.



    Indicates whether to set an access code to the channel and require an access code to a user who attempts to join the channel.



    The number of all members who have joined the channel and who have been invited but not joined.



    The number of members who have joined the channel only.


    array of strings

    An array of users who are members of the group channel.


    array of strings

    An array of users registered as operators of the channel. The operators can ban, mute, or delete messages in the channel that they join as an operator.


    nested object

    The timestamp of when the user has last received the messages in the channel, in Unix milliseconds. Each key-value pair has a key with the unique ID of a user and a values with the user's timestamp.


    nested object

    The timestamps of when the user has last read the messages in the channel, in Unix milliseconds. Each key-value pair has a key with the unique ID of a user and a value with the user’s timestamp.



    The maximum length of a message allowed to be sent within the channel. This is the same as a value of the max_message_length property in the global application settings.



    The number of messages a specific user hasn't read in the channel. If not specified, the value of 0 returns. However, if you specify a user in the request when using an API such as list group channels by user, the value isn't 0.



    The number of messages in the channel a specific user is mentioned in but hasn't read. If a user isn't specified in the request, the value returns 0. However, if you specify a user in the request when using an API such as list group channels by user, the value isn't 0.



    The latest message sent to the channel.



    Information about the user who has created the channel and invited other users as members to the channel. This consists of the user_id, nickname, profile_url, and require_auth_for_profile_image properties. The require_auth_for_profile_image property indicates whether only the other channel members in the application can see the channel creator's profile image.



    The timestamp of when the channel was created, in Unix seconds format.



    Indicates whether the channel is currently frozen. The value of true indicates that only operators can send messages to the channel.


    nested object

    (Deprecated) An object that exists only for backward compatibility.


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    • API endpoints are relative to the base URL allocated to the application. For example, the /open_channels endpoint refers to https://api-{application_id}.sendbird.com/v3/open_channels.

    Note: If you want to know the ID and base URL of your application, sign in to your dashboard, go to Settings > Application > General, and then check the Application ID and API request URL.

    • It's recommended that the parameter values in API URLs be urlencoded, such as {user_id} and {channel_url}.

    List of actions for managing open channels

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    ActionHTTP request

    List open channels

    GET /open_channels
    Retrieves a list of open channels. You can query the list using various parameters.

    Get an open channel

    GET /open_channels/{channel_url}
    Retrieves information on an open channel.

    Create an open channel

    POST /open_channels
    Creates an open channel.

    Update an open channel

    PUT /open_channels/{channel_url}
    Updates information on a specific open channel.

    Delete an open channel

    DELETE /open_channels/{channel_url}
    Deletes a specific open channel.

    List participants of an open channel

    GET /open_channels/{channel_url}/participants
    Retrieves a list of the participants in a specific open channel. A participant refers to a user who has entered the open channel and is currently online.

    List of actions for managing group channels

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    ActionHTTP request

    List group channels

    GET /group_channels
    Retrieves a list of group channels or Supergroup channels in the application. If you want to get a list of a specific user's group channels, use the User section's list group channels by user API instead.

    Get a group channel

    GET /group_channels/{channel_url}
    Retrieves information on a specific group channel or a Supergroup channel.

    Create a group channel

    POST /group_channels
    Creates a group channel or a Supergroup channel.

    Update a group channel

    PUT /group_channels/{channel_url}
    Updates information on a specific group channel or a Supergroup channel.

    Delete a group channel

    DELETE /group_channels/{channel_url}
    Deletes a specific group channel.

    Join a channel

    PUT /group_channels/{channel_url}/join
    Allows a user to join a public group channel. This is only available for public group channels where a value of the is_public property is set to true.

    Leave a channel

    PUT /group_channels/{channel_url}/leave
    Makes one or more users leave a specific group channel.

    Hide a channel

    PUT /group_channels/{channel_url}/hide
    Hides or archives a specific group channel from a user’s group channel list.

    Unhide a channel

    DELETE /group_channels/{channel_url}/hide
    Unhides or unarchives a specific group channel and gets the channel appeared back in a user’s group channel list.

    Reset chat history

    PUT /group_channels/{channel_url}/reset_user_history
    Resets a user's chat history in a specific group channel.

    Get channel invitation preference

    GET /users/{user_id}/channel_invitation_preference
    Retrieves channel invitation preference for a user's group channels.

    Update channel invitation preference

    PUT /users/{user_id}/channel_invitation_preference
    Updates channel invitation preference for a user's group channels.

    List members of a group channel

    GET /group_channels/{channel_url}/members
    Retrieves the members of a specific group channel.

    Check if user is a member

    GET /group_channels/{channel_url}/members/{user_id}
    Checks whether the user is a member of a specific group channel.

    Invite as members

    POST /group_channels/{channel_url}/invite
    Invites one or more users as members to a group channel.

    Accept an invitation

    PUT /group_channels/{channel_url}/accept
    Accepts an invitation from a group channel for a user to join.

    Decline an invitation

    PUT /group_channels/{channel_url}/decline
    Declines an invitation for a user not to join a group channel.

    List of actions for setting up channels

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    ActionHTTP request

    List channel settings for all custom channel types

    GET /applications/settings_by_channel_custom_type
    Retrieves a list of the settings for all custom channel types.

    Get channel settings by a custom channel type

    GET /applications/settings_by_channel_custom_type/{custom_type}
    Retrieves the settings for a specific custom channel type.

    Create channel settings by a custom channel type

    POST /applications/settings_by_channel_custom_type
    Creates the settings for the channels with a custom channel type.

    Update channel settings by a custom channel type

    PUT /applications/settings_by_channel_custom_type/{custom_type}
    Updates the settings for a specific custom channel type.

    Delete channel settings by a custom channel type

    DELETE /applications/settings_by_channel_custom_type/{custom_type}
    Deletes the settings for the channels with a specific custom channel type.

    Get default invitation preference

    GET /applications/default_channel_invitation_preference
    Retrieves the default channel invitation preference of an application.

    Update default invitation preference

    PUT /applications/default_channel_invitation_preference
    Updates the default channel invitation preference of an application.

    List of actions for channel metacounter

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    ActionHTTP Request

    Get metacounter

    GET /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metacounter or .../metacounter/{key}
    Retrieves channel metacounter's one or more items that are stored in a specific channel.

    Create metacounter

    POST /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metacounter
    Creates a channel metacounter's items to store in a specific channel.

    Update metacounter

    PUT /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metacounter or .../metacounter/{key}
    Updates existing items of a channel metacounter by their keys or adds new items to the metacounter.

    Delete metacounter

    DELETE /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metacounter or .../metacounter/{key}
    Deletes a channel metacounter's one or all items that are stored in a specific channel.

    List of actions for channel metadata

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    ActionHTTP Request

    Get metadata

    GET /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metadata or .../metadata/{key}
    Retrieves a channel metadata's one or more items that are stored in a specific channel.

    Create metadata

    POST /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metadata
    Creates a channel metadata's items to store in a specific channel.

    Update metadata

    PUT /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metadata or .../metadata/{key}
    Updates existing items of a channel metadata by their keys or adds new items to the metadata.

    Delete metadata

    DELETE /{channel_type}/{channel_url}/metadata or ../metadata/{key}
    Deletes a channel metadata's one or all items that are stored in a specific channel.

    List of actions for managing typing indicators

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    ActionHTTP request

    Start typing indicators

    POST /group_channels/{channel_url}/typing
    Starts showing a typing indicator.

    Stop typing indicators

    DELETE /group_channels/{channel_url}/typing
    Stops showing a typing indicator.