
data class PollCreateParams @JvmOverloads constructor(var title: String, var optionTexts: List<String>, var data: PollData? = null, var allowUserSuggestion: Boolean? = null, var allowMultipleVotes: Boolean? = null, var closeAt: Long = Poll.POLL_DEFAULT_TS)

Parameters for creating poll and updating poll operations. For poll creation, title and optionTexts are required and all other members are optional. For poll update, all members are optional.



See also


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constructor(title: String, optionTexts: List<String>, data: PollData? = null, allowUserSuggestion: Boolean? = null, allowMultipleVotes: Boolean? = null, closeAt: Long = Poll.POLL_DEFAULT_TS)


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Whether to allow multiple vote casting

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Whether to allow user-suggested options

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Unix timestamp at which the poll has closed or will close (second)

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An additional json data to accompany the poll.

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options for this poll.

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Title of the poll.