Package-level declarations
Params for creating a ApplicationUserListQuery object.
Params for creating a BannedUserListQuery object.
Represents a base message params.
Represents a base for message list params.
Represents a base message params.
Params for creating a BlockedUserListQuery object.
Represents a group channel change logs params.
Params for creating a FeedChannelListQuery object.
Represents a file message params.
Represents a file message params.
Params for creating a FriendListQuery object.
A params to create the GroupChannelCollection object.
Represents a group channel create params.
Params for creating a GroupChannelListQuery object.
Represents a group channel total unread channel count params.
Represents a group channel total unread message count params.
Represents a group channel update params.
Represents a params used in SendbirdChat.init.
Params for creating a MemberListQuery object.
Represents a message list params.
A params to create the MessageCollection.
Represents a message list params.
Represents a params for retrieving a single message.
Params for creating a MessageSearchQuery object.
Parameters for retrieving message template list.
The set of parameters to create
Params for creating a MutedUserListQuery object.
Params for retrieving Notification template list.
Represents a open channel params.
Params for creating a OpenChannelListQuery object.
Represents a open channel params.
Params for creating a OperatorListQuery object.
Params for creating a ParticipantListQuery object.
Represents query parameters for getting pinned messages.
Parameters for creating poll and updating poll operations. For poll creation, title and optionTexts are required and all other members are optional. For poll update, all members are optional.
Params for creating a PollListQuery object.
Parameters for retrieving poll option. A poll option should be specified by the pollId of the poll that the option belongs to and pollOptionId of the option, and the channelUrl of the channel that the poll specified by pollId belongs to.
Parameters for retrieving poll operations. For poll retrieval, pollId, channelType and channelUrl are required and all other members are optional.
Parameters for updating poll operations. All members are optional.
Params for creating a PollVoterListQuery object.
Params for creating a PreviousMessageListQuery object.
Params for creating a PublicGroupChannelListQuery object.
Represents a base scheduled message create params.
Represents a base scheduled message update params.
Represents a scheduled file message params.
Represents a scheduled file message update params.
Params for creating a ScheduledMessageListQuery object.
Represents a params for retrieving a single scheduled message.
Represents a scheduled user message params.
Represents a scheduled user message update params.
Represents a message list params.
Represents a params for retrieving total scheduled message.
Represents a user message params.
Represents a user message update params.
Params for update current users.