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Ready to cut costs and send next level customer notifications? Fill out the form to get your custom quote.  

  • Omnichannel support
  • In-app messages and push notifications
  • SMS, WhatsApp, and KakaoTalk
  • Global coverage
  • Analytics and reporting
  • GDPR, HIPAA, SOC 2 & ISO 27001 compliance

The world's most popular apps send with Sendbird

Why business and engineering leaders choose Sendbird's customer communications API platform

“Sendbird provides all the tools to build a fully digital, modern chat experience. The product is very flexible and scalable... Fast go-to-market and a great team of engineers.”

Özgür G|Virgin Mobile

“Sendbird is convenient to use. They have a very responsive support team who addresses the questions and gets back with answers quickly. The experience continues to be positive.”

Yash W|Ahold Delhaize